Somewhere in Between – A Memoir by Ludwina Dautovic

This memoir was submitted to the SBS Writers Competition 2021. Although it didn’t receive a prize, I was grateful for the opportunity to enter it as it’s been a story I’ve been wanting to write for years. I have enjoyed writing this so much, that I am committed to write a book about my life at some point in the future. Thank you to all the people who encouraged me to write my story and to those who helped me edit it. You know who you are.
Homeschooling during lockdown

Millions of households across Australia and the world have had to contend with homeschooling during lockdown. This experience will be met with differing opinions based on the individual experience of each household and family dynamics. If you’re not used to having your children at home on a daily basis and/or they’re of an age where […]
10 Years Cancer Free – My Journey Surviving Kidney Cancer

Turning 54 marked my 10 year anniversary of living cancer free. It’s quite a milestone and one I wasn’t sure if I’d make.
Coronavirus Isolation in Australia

When I think about the ease and comfort of being able to be tested immediately, I feel privileged. It cost me nothing, there was very little waiting time and I’ll get my results within a week.
Meaningful Discourse and the Art of Conversation

Welcome to my thoughts. It’s my hope that we can begin a meaning discourse and enhance the art of conversation.
I’ve Been Working From Home for 25 Years

I’ve been working from home for 25 years. I’ve never had a day job; I’ve always worked for myself. It never occurred to me to go out and get a ‘job’ as I wanted to be at home with my children and work at the same time.