Chris Forbes on Xchange Revolution with Ludwina Dautovic

Kidney Health Australia CEO Chris Forbes and Ludwina Dautovic – Kidney Cancer and Kidney Health

In this episode Ludwina Dautovic, Founder and CEO of The Room Xchange, is having a chat with Chris Forbes CEO of Kidney Health Australia.

This episode is a very personal one for our CEO, Ludwina Dautovic. This month, July 2020, marks 10 years cancer free.

At the age of 44, out of the blue, she was diagnosed with a 14cm renal cell carcinoma on her left kidney.

Needless to say, she survived it, but the journey has not been an easy one.

With just a little bit of knowledge and a simple kidney health check, this might not have lost her kidney.

To commemorate this milestone, Ludwina would like to bring awareness to kidney health so that it can help prevent others going through what she did.

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About Chris Forbes and Kidney Health Australia

Did you know 1 in 3 people in Australia are at increased risk of kidney disease? Worse still, more than 90% of kidney function can be lost before any symptoms appear.
Chris is dedicated to both prevention and helping those people affected by this insidious disease, improving their health outcomes and quality of life.
He is drawing on more than 20 years of commercial and leadership experience across industries including agriculture, sport, ticketing, venues and entertainment to bring people together to help save lives.
At Kidney Health Australia we know we can only be successful if we find new ways to build our funding and resources to support the programs and services we provide. Chris has taken up that challenge.

In this episode we discuss:

  • 5.00 – Ludwina shares her story about surviving Kidney Cancer
  • 6.21 – The importance of getting a kidney health check
  • 6.39 – Symptoms to be aware of
  • 7.09 – GP’s can do a simple test to check your kidney health
  • 8.44 – Ludwina’s journey after being diagnosed and her surgery
  • 9.59 – Kidney failure is the end stage of kidney disease
  • 10.45 – What is the function of your kidneys?
  • 11.29 – Link between blood pressure, diabetes and kidney damage
  • 12.12 – If everyone with high blood pressure got a kidney health check we’d make a huge difference
  • 13.16 – How to look after your kidneys
  • 14.00 – It’s a growing disease because of lifestyle
  • 14.34 – Stats around the number of people with early markers for kidney disease
  • 15.00 – Five stages of kidney disease 
  • 15.47 – More than 13,000 people in Australia undergoing dialysis right now
  • 17.00 – If we get it early we won’t  end up with kidney disease
  • 17.33 – Ludwina had two Incisional hernias as a result of the radical nephrectomy
  • 20.42 – Our bodies are a strong, living being that needs to be nurtured and looked after
  • 21.55 – Just change small things in your lifestyle that will eventually become a habit
  • 23.44 – Resources available at Kidney Health Australia
  • 25.00 – If in doubt, just ask your GP
  • 26.00 – Kidney Risk Test is on the website
  • 27.00 – We’re very fortunate in Australia with our great medical systems
  • 28.04 – The changes that Chris is making to change the way he lives 


You can find Chris Forbes on Linkedin.
You can find Ludwina Dautovic on 
You can find Kidney Health Australia – 
WebsiteLinkedin and Facebook.
You can connect with The Room Xchange on 
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